Up Close with Judah Smith

Mr. Catalyst LV Hanson sat down a few months ago with Judah Smith in Seattle. Judah is the senior pastor of The City Church, and in this interview he talks about successful leadership "transition", the importance of honoring those before us, and the challenges of being a "young" leader at 31! Thanks to Judah and The City Church for hosting Catalyst One Day Seattle coming up on Thursday, August 26.



2nd Level influence

Had a great conversation the other day about "what really is influence?" Many folks talk about influence and feel like they have influence because they have followers. Which in essence is true. If people read your blog, listen to you speak, follow you on Twitter, are friends on Facebook, and buy your book, then you are influencing them. But true influence is about more than just someone listening. It's about action. And it's about change. If I simply buy your book and read a few chapters, but don't put anything into action, are you really influencing me? If I listen to you speak, but make no changes in my life or the way I lead, are you really influencing me? If I follow you on Twitter, but it doesn't change anything for me, are you really influencing me?

True leadership, in my opinion, has to include 2nd Level Influence. And ultimately 3rd and 4th level and so on. That notion that I am making a change, am taking action, and will be different, because of what you've said to me or what I've read from you. Plus the idea that your influence has exponential impact- through my networks, through all of their networks, and so on. Passed on much farther and wider than just to me. That's true leadership.

Seth Godin has 2nd Level influence with me.

Scott Harrison from charity: water has 2nd Level influence with me.

Jeff Shinabarger has 2nd Level influence with me.

Michael Hyatt has 2nd Level influence with me.

There are lots of examples of people who I listen to, but don't have 2nd Level influence. Katie Couric, all Sportscenter anchors, Shaq, most politicians, and numerous other "voices" in our culture. There's lots of noise being created, but not alot of action or change. It doesn't mean any of these folks don't have influence, they just aren't influencing me at a 2nd level.

The question is how can you make sure you are a "2nd Level" Influencer?

Interview with Mike Foster, Part One

Had the chance to catch up recently with Mike Foster, a really good friend and founder of People of the Second Chance. Mike is also a principal and creative director at Plain Joe Studios, founder of Junky Car Club, and involved in a number of other initiatives. We discuss POTSC, why listening is a gift and an art, asking good questions, and who would win between us in an interview face-off.


Interview with David Platt, author of RADICAL

Had the chance to recently interview David Platt, senior pastor of The Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, AL, and author of the recently released book Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream.

David is one of the most engaging and courageous young church leaders I know, along with, at 31, being one of the younger pastors in the country leading a megachurch, along with Steven Furtick, Perry Noble, Jud Wilhite, and a handful of others.

We discuss a number of topics, including adoption, The Radical Experiment, justice and evangelism, and what Catalyst moments he remembers from over the years.

You can listen on the Catalyst site or better yet, download this interview from itunes.

Shut up and Listen

I Love Young Leaders. Catalyst exists to help equip young leaders, especially those under 40. But this is a tribute to the leaders over 40 who so many of us under 40 too often think "don't really understand what's going on anymore."

So to all of my peers under 40- SHUT UP and LISTEN......

Sit dow, SHUT UP, and LISTEN. To the sages and wise mentors in our lives, in our companies, in our organizations, in our families, in our churches. The leaders who've been there, who've succeeded and failed, who've experienced multiple recessions, who've actually watched technology advance, who don't just talk about experience but actually have it.

Before many of us who "think" we are the next great hope for saving our generation, or leading our generation in a whole new way, or reclaiming our culture, or just simply fill in the blank....... go any further, we need to find the mentors and sages and patriarchs and matriarchs around us and glean wisdom from them.

Every young leader I know could use a whole lot more Saged Leader in their life.

Especially those of us in our early 30's. In our early 20's many times we are still hungry and humble enough to seek out mentors, and find the 50 year old + sages who can provide wisdom and counsel. But for some reason, in our late 20's and 30's, especially our early 30's, we start to think we've grown up and got it all together, and that now we think instead of seeking wisdom and counsel, we should be giving it. We tend to lose the desire to learn by listening, and start to "protect our turf" by talking. And talking more. About what we've done and the things that we've accomplished..... over the last 10 years of our "career."

Some of us in the "next generation" of leaders need to put down the microphone, and instead get out our pens and paper and start taking notes.

So find a wise mentor, a seasoned sage, someone who's lived a little more, loved a lot deeper, prayed a lot harder, and led alot longer, and sit down.....Shut up.....and Listen.

Lanny Donoho and his tattoo

During a recent Catalyst creative meeting, I was able to catch up with Lanny Donoho, emcee emeritus of Catalyst, founder of BigStuf, and all around funny guy. If you were at Catalyst last October, you know this- He really did get a tattoo at Catalyst on stage, and then backstage during the event, and he shares an update, along with why he had to take a second visit to the tattoo artist just recently. And of course who knows what Tripp is up to in this video..... it's anyones guess! Along with a Tyler sighting.


12 Women Leaders under 40 You Should Know

So let me be clear.... this isn't a TOP TEN list. Or a TOP TWELVE list. It's just a list. with 12 women leaders. all under 40 (I'm 99% sure!). That you should know about. There are many other women leaders under 40 that you should know about, but they are just not on this list, because I'm only including 12...... on this particular list. of women leaders under 40......

OK, so please add to the list by commenting below if you know of someone else who should be included .

1. Christine Caine- Equip and Empower, Hillsong Church and A21 Ministries

2. Jo Saxton- 3DM Ministries

3. Priscilla Shirer- Going Beyond Ministries

4. Jenni Catron- Cross Point Church

5. Anne Jackson- Flowerdust Worldwide!

6. Jeanne Stevens- Soul City Church

7. Margaret Feinberg- Feinberg Worldwide!

8. Phileena Heuertz- Word Made Flesh

9. Shauna Niequist- Niequist Enterprises!

10. Nikki Toyama-Szeto- Intervarsity, Urbana

11. Bethany Hoang- International Justice Mission

12. Jena Lee Nardella- Blood:Water Mission

What other women leaders under 40 should we know about?

What's In, What's Out in Leadership

A few Random thoughts on What's In and What's Out in Leadership: Command and Control is out.

Management by position is out.

Wait until you're "old enough" to really lead is out.

Top Down Hierarchy structure is out.

Power as the ultimate expression of leadership is out.

One career in one industry with one employer in one location is out.

Working your way up the "corporate ladder" is out.

"My way or the highway" is out

Authenticity is in.

Flat organizational structure and systems are in.

Management by skill and know how vs. position is in.

Lead as soon as you are ready is in.

Relational equity as a major asset is in.

Entrepreneurial spirit, boot-strap mentality, and do it yourself attitude is in.

Generosity, sharing, serving, and "giving it away" is in.

Free Agency and "project" based careers are in.

Seasons of calling vs. a Lifetime of calling is in.

Think on these things

One of my favorite books of the Bible is Philippians. And one of my favorite sections of Scripture is in Chapter 4 of Philippians. In verse 8, Paul instructs us to fix our thoughts on certain things:

- Whatever is TRUE

- Whatever is HONORABLE

- Whatever is RIGHT (Correct)

- Whatever is PURE

- Whatever is LOVELY

- Whatever is of GOOD REPUTE (Reputation)

- Whatever is EXCELLENT

- Whatever is WORTHY of PRAISE

DWELL on these things. Allow them to absorb your thoughts, conquer your time, fulfill the corners and essence of who you are.

As leaders, many times it is so difficult for us to DWELL on things of excellence, because we feel a strong pull towards solving problems and focusing on things that are wrong vs. things that are right.

In verse 6-7, we are instructed to be anxious for nothing, but in EVERYTHING by PRAYER and Supplication, with THANKSGIVING, make our requests known to GOD. And the PEACE of GOD will guard our hearts and minds.

That is powerful. And a great reminder to THINK on things that are good, excellent and worthy of praise.

A few tips for the newbies

We have a bunch of interns at Catalyst this summer. They are all really talented, really sharp, and really hungry to learn. And doing a great job. Having them around reminds me of the days when I started my first "real" job just after college. And while that wasn't that long ago, I feel like there are a few things I've learned since then that might be good reminders for recent college graduates, or those just entering the "workforce."

1. Show up early. As I tell our team all the time: If you are on time, you're late. If you are early, you're on time.

2. Always have something to write with and write on. This is crucial. Don't go strolling off to a meeting without pen and paper, unless you are planning to take notes on your phone, on your iPad, or on your laptop.

3. Be informed. Regardless of what you are doing, be informed before you get there- whether that's a new job, or a meeting, or a lunch appointment. Do some research and show up educated about the topic, about the person, or about the context.

4. Be intentional. Ask good questions, take initiative, request the assignment, anticipate what's needed done, and under-promise and over-deliver.

5. Remember names. If you are new in a large office with hundreds of staff, this one can be especially difficult. But it's your responsibility. Know everyone by their first and last name within your first week. If that means studying the staff directory at night, so be it.

6. Figure out the team culture, embrace it, and add to it. Our team culture at Catalyst includes several key elements- food, hard work, loud, fun, young, etc. Whatever the key elements of a team culture where you are coming in as the newbie, try to add to it. So, for example, if your team's culture is built around food, then add to that and bring in some snacks without being asked. If it's celebration, then add a new way to celebrate. If it's being loud, add a new loud instrument to the team breakroom.

A few videos worth the watch

- Great short film from Jesse Rosten. Thanks to Plywood People for the heads up. Great interview with Jesse on the Plywood People website. [vimeo]http://www.vimeo.com/5843895[/vimeo]

- Nate Henn from Invisible Children was killed this past week in Uganda by a terrorist bomb. Check out this incredible tribute video that the staff at Invisible Children put together for Nate.


- AMAZING Stop Motion video from Blu. Wow.


Stuck in the Middle

Leading from the middle of the organization is tough. Lots of responsibility, but limited empowerment. Less money, but more work. And on and on and on. So how do you deal with this reality? 1. Be a linchpin. Be remarkable and so good at what you do that those around you have no other option than to take notice.

2. Anticipate the needs of your boss or those above you. Understand how to best serve them and remove responsibility from their plate onto yours. If you are creating more work for your boss instead of less work, that's a problem.

3. Celebrate the accomplishments and wins for those below you. Be a cheerleader and mentor to your team and those who work for you.

4. Collaborate with those next to you or besides you. Collaboration with your peers in the organization is key.

5. Be trustworthy. This one is huge. It doesn't mean that you don't screw up or fail, but it means that you are worthy of being trusted. Make good decisions. Be honest. Authentic.

I highly recommend John Maxwell's 360 Degree Leader book in regards to this topic. One of my favorite books from John.

One Key to Social Media Success

It's pretty simple. Be Generous. And willing to Share. Influence through sharing. The art of influence through giving more than receiving. hmmm. Seems like that has a Biblical ring to it, right??! How about 1 Timothy Chapter 6. How about the Golden Rule. How about Jesus commanding and teaching us that it is better to give than to receive. Obviously, there are differences between being generous and willing to share your money, and being generous and willing to share your influence, but the point is still the same.

The currency within the social media marketplace is generosity. This is undeniable. Those who have the greatest influence within most social media channels are the ones willing to put others above yourself. Provide value to your tribe. Constantly figure out ways to give resources, purpose, and inspiration to your network. Be willing to share and pass on items of interest from someone else. Give credit to whoever first said it. Not focused on what you're doing, but instead focused on bringing attention to what others are doing.

These are just a few of the ways that Being Generous is the new standard for interaction online.

Young Influencers List, July Edition

The July Edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past editions here. 1. Paul Andrew- founder of the Leadership Coach, formerly of Australia, and now church planter in New York City.

2. Jenni Catron- executive director of Cross Point Church in Nashville, and founder of Cultivate Her.

3. Sean Carasso- founder of Falling Whistles, a unique and innovative campaign for peace in Congo.

4. Terrance Johnson- pastor of Higher Dimension Church in Houston, TX.

5. Kelly Minter- speaker, worship leader and songwriter, and most recent author of No Other Gods.

6. Matt Chambers- founder of SafeWater Nexus, which is mobilizing people, resources, and energy towards sustainable humanitarian projects around the globe.

Latest Catalyst Podcast with Steven Furtick

Pastor Steven Furtick - Slide 2 The latest Catalyst Podcast includes a recent interview I did with Steven Furtick. Steven is the lead pastor of Elevation Church, and the author of the soon to release book Sun Stand Still.

In the interview we discuss the book, what it's like for him now being 30, how to keep pressing into a vision, praying Sun Stand Still prayers, and advice for leaders who might feel stuck, among other things.

You can listen here or download from itunes.

Friday Five

- You can still win 2 tickets to Catalyst One Day Seattle on Eugene Cho's blog today. Hurry though- the giveaway ends Friday night. - Catalyst and One Days Wages are working together to raise 50 K towards ending global poverty. Please help by donating what you can towards the cause here.

- I am on a Tony Hsieh kick right now. The CEO of Zappos has a great new book out.

- Check out my friend Mark Merrill's new blog. Mark is the president of Family First and All Pro Dads. Really practical parenting and family advice.

- Perry Noble posted a great list of several great links on his blog. Check it out!

Interview with Jud Wilhite

Had the chance recently to catch up with Jud Wilhite, senior pastor of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas. Jud is a great friend, a great leader, and doing great work in Vegas. Jud also has helped emcee our Catalyst West event the past two years, and is working on a new book titled Throw it Down, highlighting stories of hope that have surfaced through the Recovery Ministry at Central Christian, one of the largest recovery ministries in the country. Jud helped start People of the Second Chance along with Mike Foster, and will be speaking at Catalyst in October along with Mike on Wednesday night during the Labs evening session. [vimeo]http://www.vimeo.com/13170024[/vimeo]

Underground Railroad Bike Trek with International Justice Mission

This summer, our good friends at International Justice Mission are partnering with Venture Expeditions to send a team of 15 ordinary Americans to bike the historic Underground Railroad from Mobile, AL to Buffalo, NY, retracing the steps of "Freedom Seekers" to raise funds and awareness for IJM and the efforts to fight modern-day slavery, human trafficking, and forms of violent oppression. The campaign is called Stop Injustice: 5 Weeks for Freedom Campaign. ONLINE TOOLS :: Web Banner - People Miles Weeks 720x90

There's huge opportunity to spread the word about the injustices that still exist in the world today and ways people can get involved. The bike tour will last from June 28th to August 1st. A complete online experience will follow the 14 riders as they trek north.