Next Generation Leadership

Ten Good Questions for Leaders to Ask Themselves

1. What's it like to be on the other side of me? Are others around me flourishing?

2. How can I improve?

3. Who currently has permission to call me out and say the hard things to me that I need to hear?

4. How do I respond in moments of crisis? Do I chew people out when something is not done right?

5. Am I truly self aware? Where/what are my blind spots in my leadership? Am I a secure confident leader?

6. Do I talk more than I listen?

7. What do I need to learn from my most recent failures?

8. How do I lead people way different than me?

9. Am I comfortable surrounding myself with people who are better at their jobs than I am?

10. Who else should I be learning from? Who is currently coaching or mentoring me?

BONUS: Who am I grooming/coaching to replace me in my current role?

Young Influencers List, June Edition

Here you go, the June edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past month's lists here.

1. Jerry LorenzoLA based artist and clothing designer, founder of Fear of God, and great follow on Instagram.

2. Lauren Daiglesinger, songwriter, and worship leader with most recent album called How Can it Be.

3. Tobin Heath2 time Olympic gold medalist, and midfielder with the US Women's soccer team.

4. Baron BatchPittsburgh based artist, entrepreneur, and former NFL running back.

5. Glennon Doyle Melton- uber popular blogger, speaker, founder of the Momastery movement, and best-selling author of Carry On, Warrior.

6. Trillia Newbell- Nashville based speaker, freelance journalist, writer and author of Fear and Faith.

7. Albert TateLA based church planter, and lead pastor of Fellowship Monrovia.

Young Influencers List, May Edition

Here you go, the May edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past month's editions here.

1. Tara Russellfounder and CEO of Create Common Good, a social entrepreneurial venture using food to change lives, and co founded NightLight International.

2. Raechel MyersNashville based director and co-founder of She Reads Truth.

3. Chris Galanossenior pastor of Experience Life Church in Lubbock, TX.

4. Derek Minorsinger, songwriter, producer, and hip hop artist.

5. Victor Ho- co-founder and CEO of Five Stars, a San Francisco based digital commerce company.

6. Marshawn Daniels- Atlanta based speaker, author, former Miss America contestant, and business owner.

7. Tim Terrentinevice president of Southwest Michigan First in Kalamazoo, MI, and president of Kalamazoo regional Chamber of Commerce.

10 Simple Ways to be Great

All of us want to be great. Especially as leaders. All of us want to be part of a great team. Have a great family. A great neighborhood. A great church. A great community. A great legacy.

There are lots of factors that go into being great. But ultimately, being great starts with you. And since you are your greatest coach and advocate for yourself, here are a few things to always think about when it comes to being great.

1. Be responsible. Be on time. Get things done. Finish.

2. Be a learner. Read. Listen. Be curious.

3. Be a hustler. Work hard. Whatever it takes.

4. Be a carrier of the organizational vision. Be a role model of living out the values of your company, church, and staff.

5. Be passionate. Be positive. Live with joy.

6. Be self aware and self regulating. Know who you are. Lead yourself.

7. Be Humble. It's not about you.

8. Be someone who "leans in." Be first.

9. Be Disciplined. Stick with it.

10. Be a courageous risk taker. Step out.

11 Key Ways a Younger Leader can Gain Credibility

Are you a young leader looking to gain credibility? What to do? I talk to leaders all the time, especially those in their 20's, who are seeking the quick credibility answer. How do I get credibility now and not have to wait until I am in my mid 30’s or early 40’s before people will respect and respond to me?

Well, great question.

I have a theory. The Credibility theory.

Starts with an equation, since I was a math minor in college..... Ultimately, credibility is this:

C = T x (E + E). Credibility = Time (multiplied) by Experience + Expertise

Whether a young leader, or a seasoned leader, this Credibility theory can work for you.

So here are some thoughts on how to best gain credibility now:

1. Listen. Listen. Listen. Simple enough. Ask great questions of those around you, and then LISTEN to the answer. Don't talk until you have something to say. Learn to ask great questions and learn from them.

2. Write it down. Record it. Put it in a moleskine or evernote or on your iPhone. But be just short of annoying on capturing things you hear and watch and are part of. You'll find that writing something down automatically makes it a priority.

3. Find those who are smarter than you, and latch on. Learn from them. Ask questions. Be a learner. Connect with leading organizations, networks and individuals- connect with companies, teams or individuals who are highly respected, and you'll gain respect.

4. Become an expert NOW, even before you need to be. Set a standard of excellence way before you're the leader in charge who is expected to. That way when it's your turn to come off the bench you are ready. When you are asked for your opinion or involvement, give it or do it.

5. Self awareness and self identity. Be self aware. Know who you are and where you are in life. You are young- deal with it. Don’t think you know more than you really do, or have more experience than you really do. Maintain a very clear and realistic picture of your self identity and current reality.

6. Demonstrate your ability to collaborate and be a team player. Reality is, most of us work in a team environment, so you have to show your ability to get along with others in making things happen. The Lone Ranger and Han Solo aren't ideal.

7. Stay focused, but broad. Those who have the most credibility no longer are just experts in one area. You need to be a generalist, but have the ability to dive deep in a certain expertise area.

8. Learn how to follow. And follow really well. It will position you for authority later.

9. Deliver. Faithful with little, faithful with much. No matter what the task or assignment, whether how important or how minuscule, GET it DONE. Work really hard. Be a hustler. Accomplish getting coffee or making copies or working on spreadsheets or filing papers like it's the most important assignment ever. Demonstrate in the small and unimportant tasks the characteristics you will still have with the large and important tasks. Do what you said you would do. Follow through. Credibility is built over time because of hundreds and hundreds of small assignments done well.

10. Lead with humility. Be known as the team member who will always get it done and is completely trustworthy. Show up early. Leave your ego at the door. Do your work with excellence. Volunteer for the tough assignments that no one else wants. Be the Hungry