Next Generation Leadership

8 Key Leadership Questions to ask in Reviewing 2015

As leaders- it's critical we stop and review the year. 

It's important we take time as leaders to reflect and look back over the last 12 months, as well as looking forward to the next 12 months and beyond.

So here are some helpful Year End Review Questions:

1. What are the 2-3 themes that personally defined 2015 for me?

2. What people, books, accomplishments, or special moments created highlights in 2015?

3. Give yourself a grade from 1-10 in the following areas of focus for 2015: vocationally, spiritually, family, relationally, emotionally, financially, physically, recreationally.

4. What am i working on that is BIG for 2016 and beyond?

5. As I move into 2016, is a majority of my energy being spent on things that drain me or things that energize me?

6. How am I preparing for 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

7. What 2-3 things have I been putting off that I need to execute on before the end of the year, or the first week of January 2016?

8. Is my family closer at the end of this year? Am I a better friend at the end of this year? If not, what needs to change immediately?

7 Ways to Live out "Stick-with-it-ness" Leadership

Leaders today need some stick-with-it-ness. 

Here are a few thoughts on the idea of stick-with-it-ness leadership. You could also call it "hang in there" leadership! 

1. Start strong. Come out of the gates with a commitment to excellence. Finishing well means starting well. . 

2. Move the needle daily. Small daily innovations and improvements turn into game changing and paradigm shifting contributions. 

3. Find joy in the journey. Allow joy to bubble up in the everyday. Joy and happiness finds life in hope and faith, which leads to passion for moving the needle and making it happen. 

4. Push through the mundane middle. The middle is the hardest. My 5 mile daily run is always the toughest at the mid mark. Stay disciplined and focused in the minutia and mundane of the middle. 

5. Trust the process. The process will and should define you. So allow the process to be your friend and ally, not an enemy you're trying to avoid. 

6. Keep your eyes on the prize. Take the long view! Mountain climbers don't just climb to climb, they climb to reach the summit. 

7. Faithfulness matters. Faithfulness is the true measure of success. Your scorecard is based on what you did with what you were given. 

One Thing Leaders Must Do and Not Do

There are lots of things that leaders should do, but what about the things leaders SHOULDN'T do?

From my perspective, here is ONE thing leaders shouldn't do, and then the reverse that answers the ONE thing leaders should do question.

Leaders- DON'T become so insulated from reality that you lose connection to what is actually happening around you and within you. 

Leaders- DO set up a system that allows for honesty, vulnerability, accountability and transparency. 

Power corrupts if left unchecked. This can happen to any of us. If we don't have accountability, then we are setting ourselves up for failure. At some point it will catch up to us. We should all strive for realness, authenticity, vulnerability and transparency.

Given to your own perspective, your own situation, your own motivations and goals, power will end up leading to isolation, which leads to insulation, and then towards idolization, and ultimately towards decay, dysfunction, and failure. 

Ambition, drive and success is great, but without context it can be a deadly poison.

Young Influencers List November edition

Here you go, the November edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past editions here

1. Jon Chu - producer, director and LA based filmmaker, best known for movie Step Up 2. 

2.  Gawvi - DJ, artist, and music producer, part of Reach Records. 

3. Anthony Oneal - speaker and former youth pastor, now part of the Dave Ramsey personality team focused on Students. 

4. Amy Brown - communications director for IF Gathering, and a proud Oklahoman! 

5.  Josue Urrutia - founding pastor of Mizpu just outside of DC, and board member of National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference. 

6.  Paul Sohn - award winning blogger, speaker and author of upcoming book on 20 somethings. 

7. Samantha Ponder - sports broadcaster with ESPN. 

Young Influencers List October edition

Here you go, the October edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past month's lists and editions here

1. Daniel Murphy- 2nd baseman for New York Mets, who recently set a record for 6 home runs over six games in the playoffs. Check out this video of him sharing a bit of his story. 

2. Meredith Andrews- singer, songwriter, and worship leader, and part of the Vertical Church band. 

3. Jarryd HayneAustralian born Rugby professional, and now NFL football player for the San Francisco 49ers. 

4. Branden Harvey- Portland and Nashville based storyteller, photographer, Snapchat sensation, and overall social media strategist with Clif Bar, Smart Car and more. . 

5. Liz Vice - filmmaker, singer, songwriter, and artist. CT describes her as if "Al Green and Adele got together to sing about Jesus." 

6. Ryan Graves- senior vice president of global operations at Uber, one of my favorite new orgs, and greatest apps of all time! 

7. Lindsay Van Zyldirector of marketing for Catalyst