15 Ways NOT to Lead Well

It's ultimately up to you to lead well. It's your responsibility to be the best leader you can be.

We see lists all the time of what makes a great leader, but what are some of the other sides of the equation, in terms of not leading well? 

How is your leadership dysfunctional? What stands out as areas to improve?

Here are a few key indicators of the kind of leadership and ultimately a leader that needs to reimagine, re-engage, and recommit. Look for these, and if they exist, be committed to change.

So here you go, examples of NOT LEADING well and consistent killers of momentum for leaders, their teams and organizations: 

1. Pointing fingers and blaming others. Blame is getting passed around like a bad virus. Trust is gone. Everyone is cordial but behind closed doors there is deep distrust, driven by fear and insecurity.

2. A focus on the wrong priorities. Not willing to confront the key areas, and a constant default to Sideways Energy. More energy in scheduling lunches than in bringing in new revenue. Spend more time on updating the employee handbook vs getting on the phone and finding new customers. More time on updating headshots on the website than working on the strategic plan for next year.

3. Bad decision making. Making decisions based on whoever pays you the most, whoever screams the loudest, and whoever requires the least amount of effort and pain. Everything starts to become about the lowest common denominator and the lowest barrier to entry.

4. Passing along the decision stick. Counting on someone else to make a decision, other than yourself. Putting things off so that someone else will have to fix them later. Kicking the can down the road as Maxwell says.

5. Allowing bureaucracy to be an excuse for getting nothing done. Here comes the "they" mentality. It becomes about "them" and "us."

6. Personal entitlement has taken over. Putting your own personal goals ahead of the team, or the greater cause at play. In this case, the good of the organization takes a backseat to you keeping your office or role or title. Your default is "how will this affect me" instead of "how will this affect the organization."

7. Arguing constantly, vs listening and looking to create collaboration and areas of common ground.

8. No one values each other and silos now exist everywhere. Staff meetings and leadership team meetings start getting cancelled on a regular basis. Lack of communication between key people and teams becomes normal. Cliques and gossip become rampant in the void of communication and trust.

9. Lack of empowerment. No one feels able to do anything about the situation.

10. Same old same ole. The work and environment is mundane. It's boring. Energy is non existent.

11. There is no accountability. People on your team just feel like they can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Everything is last minute and late. Nothing goes out on time, or gets scheduled on time. No one knows where everyone is and can't find anyone. This will drive your best team members crazy.

12. Not willing to confront the brutal facts. Loss of reality and not willing to confront what is really going on. The leader is living in hopa, hopa land and suffering from Reality Deprivation. A lack of self awareness is prevalent here as well.

13. Vision is gone. Lots of hype but very little true and authentic hope in the future. Lots of promises made but very few promises kept. The painting of a preferred future has turned into a hype machine that everyone sees through.

14. The buck stops here doesn't exist. No one is ultimately responsible. The responsibility tree has been chopped and split up so many times you can't really figure out who is driving what and who has responsibility for what.

15. Safe, secure and stable starts to drive the future instead of innovation, creativity, risk taking and courage. Holding on and control is the posture instead of giving, catch and release, generosity and big picture thinking. "Don't rock the boat" is the inspiration, which quickly becomes uninspiring.

What other things have you seen being acted out that remind you of how NOT to LEAD?

Ten Good Questions for Leaders to Ask Themselves

1. What's it like to be on the other side of me? Are others around me flourishing?

2. How can I improve?

3. Who currently has permission to call me out and say the hard things to me that I need to hear?

4. How do I respond in moments of crisis? Do I chew people out when something is not done right?

5. Am I truly self aware? Where/what are my blind spots in my leadership? Am I a secure confident leader?

6. Do I talk more than I listen?

7. What do I need to learn from my most recent failures?

8. How do I lead people way different than me?

9. Am I comfortable surrounding myself with people who are better at their jobs than I am?

10. Who else should I be learning from? Who is currently coaching or mentoring me?

BONUS: Who am I grooming/coaching to replace me in my current role?

Young Influencers List, June Edition

Here you go, the June edition of the Young Influencers List. You can see all the past month's lists here.

1. Jerry LorenzoLA based artist and clothing designer, founder of Fear of God, and great follow on Instagram.

2. Lauren Daiglesinger, songwriter, and worship leader with most recent album called How Can it Be.

3. Tobin Heath2 time Olympic gold medalist, and midfielder with the US Women's soccer team.

4. Baron BatchPittsburgh based artist, entrepreneur, and former NFL running back.

5. Glennon Doyle Melton- uber popular blogger, speaker, founder of the Momastery movement, and best-selling author of Carry On, Warrior.

6. Trillia Newbell- Nashville based speaker, freelance journalist, writer and author of Fear and Faith.

7. Albert TateLA based church planter, and lead pastor of Fellowship Monrovia.

15 Churches Creating Influential Worship Music

Here are some churches and organizations, that in my opinion, are writing, creating, singing and releasing great songs for the entire Church around the world to sing. This is not an exhaustive list or a top ten/top twenty list. Just wanted to provide this so you will be able to check out all of their music and maybe include some of their songs into your rotation and put on your iTunes list.

1. Passion/Passion City Church- Chris Tomlin, Kristian Stanfill, Christy Nockels, Matt Redman, David Crowder and more

2. Hillsong Church- Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan, Joel Houston, Jad Gillies and more

3. North Point- Seth Condrey, Casey Darnell, Todd Fields, Candi Shelton, Steve Fee and more

4. Jesus Culture- Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Derek Johnson, Bryan and Katie Torwalt, and more

5. Worship Central/Holy Trinity Brompton- Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon and the Worship Central band

6. Reach Records/Reach Ministries- Lecrae, Trip Lee, Andy Mineo, KB, Tedashii, and others

7. New Life Church/Desperation Band- led by Jon Egan, and birthed out of Desperation Ministries, the student ministry of New LIfe Church

8. Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church- Charles Jenkins and the Fellowship Choir

9. Elevation ChurchElevation Worship led by Wade Joye, Mack Brock, Chris Brown, London Gatch and more

10. Austin StoneAustin Stone Worship led by Aaron Ivey, Jimmy McNeal, Kyle Lent, and more

11. Bethel ChurchBethel Music led by Brian and Jenn Johnson, Jeremy Riddle, and more

12. Gateway ChurchGateway Music led by Kari Jobe, Cody Carnes and more

13. Trinity Grace Churchled by Eric Marshall and more

14. Bayside Churchled by Lincoln Brewster and more

15. Lakewood Church- led by Israel Houghton, John Gray, and more

Bonus: Victory World MusicVertical Church Band (Harvest Bible Chapel), and 12Stone.

Who else would you recommend?


As leaders, we naturally have a tendency to make it about "me." In some ways, you deserve it.

As the leader, you're probably putting in the most time, the most resources, the most energy, and risking way more than anyone else. You're the one carrying the responsibility and the weight. You have the greatest to risk and the greatest amount to lose.

But, ultimately, it's not about you. It's about the mission. It's about the impact. It's about a greater cause. And it's about your team.

It's not just you on your team. There's a team. Besides you. Other incredibly important staff crucial to the success of you accomplishing your mission and vision as an organization.

So next time someone says "How have you all accomplished all of this?..." or "What do you plan to accomplish the rest of this year?...." or "Who is involved in making things happen within your organization?..." "Or talk about the keys to success for you?...." Or "Man you all are killing it. Congratulations on all the success." Make sure you start your answer with "WE" or "US" or "OUR."

Not "ME" or "I" or "MY."

It's easy for us to get comfortable with the notion that "I'm" the reason for the success, or because of "my" willingness to stay late, or that new business deal is because of "me."

But even if it is, honor your team by choosing WE vs. ME, and US vs I.

You can do more together than on your own.