A few things related to Catalyst Dallas this week: - PLEASE bring the following items for our friends from CitySquare to help those in need - including adult socks, granola bars, wet wipes, and gift cards (Wal-Mart, grocery stores, restaurants, etc). We want to have a collective impact on the city of Dallas while we are here, so please bring these items with you on Thursday and Friday and drop off in bins outside the main doors.
- Check out the most recent Catalyst Podcast featuring an interview with Judah Smith, plus we talk Catalyst Dallas right after the interview with Judah, with some helpful hints and information. Download here and listen as you drive into Dallas tomorrow.
- The TOP TEN Things to Know (actually 8) regarding Catalyst Dallas is on the Catalyst Blog. Check those out. Very helpful stuff.
- Still time to attend LAB SESSIONS on Wednesday afternoon. These are smaller breakout sessions around pertinent topics. There will be a limited # of walk up tickets available onsite. Registration for LABS begins at 11 am on Wednesday (tomorrow morning), and the opening LAB session starts at noon.
- There are also a LIMITED number of tickets still available for the Main Sessions on Thursday and Friday. Registration begins at 7 am on Thursday morning and you can register onsite then.
- If you are not able to attend, please join us in prayer for this time together with 3,000 leaders.
- Make sure you arrive early on Thursday morning for the Catalyst Pre-show that starts at 7:00 am. The first session begins right at 8:30, and you want to make sure you are in your seats!
- Chick-fil-A will be available for purchase onsite for lunch on both Thursday and Friday. Grab some Chick-fil-A and hang out on campus with your team during lunch!
- Follow Catalyst on Twitter, and join the Catalyst Facebook group to keep up with everything happening this week. You can also text "CATALYST" to 68398 and join the Catalyst mobile community. We'll be providing some free goodies throughout the event to our Twitter followers and our Mobile community!