Craig Groeschel is WEIRD

yep, that's right. I said it. And I can back it up!!

Craig Groeschel believes weird is good, and he's got a new book to prove it. The brand new book is entitled Weird: Because Normal Isn't Working. I've gotten to know Craig over the last several years and consider him a great friend. And I can tell you, this book is one of my favorites.

In case you didn't know, Craig is the founding and senior pastor of, one of the most influential and innovative churches in the country, and around the world.

In the book, Craig gives advice and perspective on everything from debt overload to tech overload, and explains why normal isn't working anymore for so many Americans.

Do you want a meaningful life? Do you want to live a radical lifestyle? Then Craig's weird is for you- a different from what everyone else does weird with the goal of living according to God's grace and the truth of His Word. A Jesus kind of weird. "After all" he writes, "no one was weirder than Jesus."

Weird is good. And weird should be normal for us who call ourselves followers of Jesus.

I highly recommend this book! Buy it today.

Craig will be speaking at Catalyst in Dallas on May 12-13, and at the next Catalyst One Day event in Houston on August 25.