I'm a big fan of Jud Wilhite. He's been a HUGE part of Catalyst over the years, and has an amazing church and ministry in Las Vegas - Central Christian Church. He's one of the most influential pastors in America, and a great friend.
One of the things I love about Jud and Central Christian is their focus on helping those who are broken. So when I heard that Jud was writing a book about the Recovery ministry at Central Christian, I was excited to tell all of you about it. Reality is, we're all broken. We're all bound by something. We want freedom, but can't find it. For some of us it's addiction to food, for others it's drugs. For others it might be pornography, or gambling, or the XBox. We all struggle in some form or fashion from addiction.
The title of the book is Throw it Down, and the book talks in depth about finding freedom, based on the amazing ministry of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, and how the church is leading in addiction recovery. It's also a very practical road map for finding freedom yourself, or helping others get rid of the things that hold us all back, based on principles from the book of Exodus.
Jud is the real deal. I highly encourage you to buy this book, read it, pass it on, and use it as a framework for helping those in your churches, businesses, organizations and families to find freedom from addictions.
Here is a video of Jud talking about some of his own struggles when he was growing up in Texas. You can also watch an interview I did with Jud last fall talking about the ministry of Central Christian, his leadership style, and a few other surprises.