Project 58: Collaboration and Hope around Extreme Poverty

I am really excited about the 58: project. And the word is getting out! CHECK OUT this USA Today article on project 58: from yesterday.

Is it possible for the Church to end extreme poverty in our lifetime? The answer may surprise you. It's time for our low expectations to change.

The stakes have never been higher. But, the news has never been better! The amazing news is this: extreme poverty is ending. The tide is changing. In just 25 years the percentage of people living in extreme poverty has been cut in half (52% to 26%). And every statistic is showing momentum toward zero in our lifetime.

Go to this 58: FACEBOOK page and join the cause right now.


So we are coming together. Not around a brand but under the only banner that matters – the name of Jesus Christ.

58: is inspired by Isaiah 58. Read it. And then read it again. Join in this commitment to live the True Fast and discover the amazing promises of God when you give up something good for the sake of something great. Discover what Isaiah 58 means for our generation.

We have the power and influence to literally change the world. And projects like 58: motivate and inspire me to continue moving towards the end of extreme poverty in our generation.

JOIN the cause today!