Give Poverty a Swift Kick- 50,000 shoes in 50 Days

728x90 pixels It's time to give poverty a swift kick with 50,000 pairs of shoes!

This is the 50,000 Pairs of Shoes in 50 Days challenge. Today is the day. We want to raise enough money to purchase 50,000 pairs of shoes in 50 days. Go to

$5 buys 2 pairs of shoes. I just bought 10 pairs of shoes online, so get involved now by going here and buy some shoes today. 

And anyone who donates will be entered to win a trip to Mexico to personally deliver their shoes to someone who has never had shoes before. 

The organization behind this effort is Soles4Souls, and was featured on Friday in USA Today. 

Let's help those in need. And feel free to link here or to put a similar post up on your site TODAY. We want as many blogging about it as possible. 
