Portland's Season of Service- a great model for the Church

Seasons of Service. We've talked about this story before on the blog, but it continues to get more press and be a great example of how the Church can be engaged in a community through service and partnership.  Our friends Luis and Kevin Palau from the Luis Palau Association, along with John Bishop shared some of the story at Catalyst West back in April, and the buzz continues to build around the Seasons of Service project in Portland, Oregon. Basically, the Seasons of Service initiative is a follow up to the large festival held last year that brought together local government, businesses, the Church, and ministries like Palau. Kevin Palau put this partnership together, and is focused on a long term strategy to truly serve the city

Over 500 churches are participating from the Portland area, and 26,000 volunteers.

A great article and short video clip is currently on the PBS website, and PBS is running the story nationally on TV this Sunday. Check your local listings for times.