The greatest connector I Know

Had dinner last night with Peb Jackson. Peb has been a friend for the last 10 years, and has had a major impact on me during that time. He is a networker of networkers, but has an amazing mix of the Likability Factor, WOO (Winnings Other Over), and connector. 

Thought I would provide a "top reasons Peb Jackson is the greatest connector I know." 

1. Willing to help build a bridge- back when I was involved with Life@Work Magazine in the late 90's, Peb opened up his rolodex and generously connected me to hundreds of his friends around the country, all influentials in their fields and VERY willing to meet a young mid 20's nobody like myself solely based on Peb's endorsement. 

2. Incredible influence and credibility- when Peb connects you, it is strategic, and well received. He has a platform of respect and admiration that few ever attain. And this respect and admiration is with the TOP influencers in every cultural category- business, entertainment, politics, education, family, church, etc. 

3. Listens firsts, and asks questions relentlessly- the greatest asset for being a great connector with and of people is the ability to listen, learn, and ask. Peb asks questions as good as anyone I know. He is a constant learner. Always reading new books, magazines, and periodicals. When he asks questions, you can tell he is genuinely interested. 

4. Knows when to push for action- Peb has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for a variety of organizations, including Young Life, Focus on the Family, and a number of other organizations. He has helped business deals happen, connected major players in the political arena, been in the middle of international relief, and always made sure people were well AWARE of the agenda and the ask if he was about to make one. Basically being upfront with people and not trying to incorrectly leverage relationships for gain. Strategic friendships that are always seen with the best for that person. 

5. Connects on your turf and with your agenda and interests, not necessarily his. He has an amazing ability to connect with people based on their agenda, their interests, and their hobbies. 

6. Hunts, fishes, golfs, and everything in between- He is an avid climber. An avid mountain and rode biker. A marksman hunter, golfer, outdoor enthusiast, and adventurer in general. Pretty much any hobby that someone has Peb is able to join them in the pursuit of that hobby. I literally have never known anyone who could maintain this level of connection with people around their hobbies. 

The great thing is, we can all learn from each of these items, in terms of connecting with our customers, vendors, partners, team members and network of friends. Thanks Peb for being a great mentor and friend!