Your 20's establish your 70's

This is a post to say thanks to my mentor of many years ago Bob Foster. And also to challenge you who are in your 20's. I was 22. I worked at Lost Valley Ranch just after college for a couple of years as a Wrangler (yes, I rode a horse several hours a day for a living!), I had the incredible opportunity to be mentored by Bob Foster, Sr. the founder of Lost Valley and a longtime businessman and "social entrepreneur" for his generation. His list of accomplishments and awards was a mile long. He served on a number of boards of very respected non-profits, established a footprint globally by speaking and writing, and was part of a circle of friends that included the "legends"- folks like Hendricks, Graham, Troutman, and others. 

Needless to say, Bob had accomplished much in his life and was a hero and mentor to many. 

We would meet together weekly - scripture memory, Bible study, and personal mentoring. One of the things that will always stand out to me from our time together was the phrase he constantly used- "your 20's establish your 70's." Bob was 75 at the time. Basically, the man (or woman) of God you are in your 20's will determine the kind of man (or woman) you will be in your 70's. 

It starts with a foundation. Your legacy is not determined by what you DO as you get old, but is more determined by who you ARE when you are young.

Your 20's are incredibly important to the man or woman of God you will be. The foundation you lay for your life in your 20's is what will determine the impact you have over the next 50 years. It will determine the kind of husband, wife, father, mother, employee, employer, friend, confidant, and leader you will be. 

20 somethings- Create your legacy now. 

Thanks Bob for helping me understand the importance of my 20's. I am a 30-something now, but still working on this.