
Your Song (s) right now

What is the song right now that is on repeat on your iPhone or in iTunes at your desk in the office? Your theme song you might say for the dog days of summer...

I have five songs right now that are on repeat:

Come to the Water- from the new Brett Younker album

I Surrender- from the new Hillsong Cornerstone album (releasing tomorrow!)

No One Higher- from the newly released North Point Inside out Live album, and soon to release on the North Point Live album.

I Know You- from the new Bellarive album

10,000 Reasons- been out a while, but this Matt Redman song is epic!

What you got?




10 Organizations creating great worship music

Here are some organizations (churches primarily), that in my opinion, are writing, creating, singing and releasing great songs for the entire Church around the world to sing. This is not an exhaustive list or a top ten list. Just wanted to provide this so you will be able to check out all of their music and maybe include some of their songs into your rotation and put on your iTunes list. 1. Passion- Chris Tomlin, Kristian Stanfill, Christy Nockels, Matt Redman, David Crowder and more

2. Hillsong- Darlene Zschech, Reuben Morgan, Joel Houston, Pete Wilson and more

3. North Point- Eddie Kirkland, Seth Condrey, Casey Darnell, Todd Fields, Candi Shelton and more

4. Bethel/Jesus Culture- Kim Walker-Smith, Chris Quilala, Jenn Johnson, and more

5. Holy Trinity Brompton/Worship Central- Tim Hughes, Ben Cantelon and the Worship Central band

6. Reach Records/Reach Ministries- Lecrae, Tripp Lee, Tedashii, and others

7. New Life Church/Desperation Band- led by Jon Egan, and birthed out of Desperation Ministries, the student ministry of New LIfe Church

8. Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church- Charles Jenkins and the Fellowship Choir

9. Elevation Church- Wade Joye, Mack Brock, Chris Brown, London Gatch and more

10. Austin Stone- Aaron Ivey, Jimmy McNeal, Kyle Lent, and more

other organizations to check out: Victory World Music, Bayside Church, Gateway Worship, Lakewood, 12Stone.

Who else would you recommend? 

Highlights from my interview with Chris Tomlin

Back in the summer I sat down with my friend Chris Tomlin, singer, songwriter, worship leader and pastor at Passion City Church. You can listen to that interview here or better yet, download from iTunes for Free.  Here are some highlights from the interview with Chris, as captured by Brian Dodd originally in this post he did.

  1. “We’re trying to navigate who’s in our church…Who’s at the core.”
  2. “The church is not a physical building. The church is people.”
  3. “It’s (leading worship) serious business because you’re dealing with people.”
  4. I’m trying to write the songs for the church. I’m not trying to write the next radio hit.”
  5. “From cribs to the end of life we want one central theme in this church, the glory of Jesus Christ.”
  6. It’s the greatest mystery I’ve ever known.” – Paul McCartney on song writing.
  7. “At the end of the day I am trying to write a response to God.”
  8. “He (Louie Giglio) started building me up and believing in me, mentoring me…Everyone needs someone who believes in you.”
  9. The poorer you are, the richer in faith.”
  10. “The biggest thing in planting a church is to listen…listen more than you talk…Leading with humility.”
  11. God gives different people different influence at different times.”
  12. What is going to change the world is a few. The few people will live and die for it.”
  13. “When you’re becoming a band mate, you’re hiring a friend more than a musician.”
  14. Anyone who does leadership.... it’s so tough because you make decisions that affect a lot of people…Anyone who has a sense of care and compassion carries that.”
  15. “It’s good that the pastor does not see the worship time as a warm-up for his message.”
  16. “He (Giglio) is completely engaged with us.”
  17. “When you get done (with your worship set), it’s not a time to sit in the green room.”
  18. Louie makes edits to what I’m thinking all the time.”
  19. “At the end of the day, the pastor is the lead worshiper of the church. As a musician you have to put yourself under that.”
  20. You’re not going to change the church past where the pastor thinks it ought to go.”
  21. “Will you give me simple songs God that people can sing?”
  22. "Songwriting is not a weird or magical thing. It takes work and we take it very seriously. You don't just sit down at a piano and start playing. You have to work at it. Same thing with writing songs."
  23. "I always pray that the Presence of God on these songs is what will connect with people."
  24. "You don't just cruise through life by yourself. You have to have people all along the way that God has placed in your life to take you to the next step and help you understand what God has wired you to do."

You can follow Chris on Twitter.

And I can't wait for the new Passion 2012 Live Album that will release in March. If you were at Passion 2012 earlier this month, you had the chance to sing the songs that Chris, Christy Nockels, Matt Redman, Kristian Stanfill, and the rest of the Passion crew have written for the global Church and will soon be available to all.